Preguntas de selección múltiple con única respuesta-Tipo I

Estas preguntas se desarrollan en torno a una idea o problema al cual se refieren las opciones o posibilidades de respuesta. Constan de un enunciado en el que se expone el problema y cuatro posibilidades de respuesta, indicadas con las letras A, B, C y D, expresiones que complementan el enunciado inicial; entre estas opciones debe escogerse una, la que considere correcta.
Cambie el tiempo verbal del enunciado por el que se indica entre paréntesis.
1) They bring the child to school.
(Voz pasiva)
A. The child are brought to school by them.
B. The child was brought to school by them.
C. The child has brought to school by them.
D. The child is brought to school by them.
2) He is waiting at the airport.
(Pasado perfecto)
A. He had waited at the airport.
B. He has waited at the airport.
C. He was waiting at the airport.
D. He is waiting at the airport.
3) He seemed to be in good health.
(Presente simple)
A. He seem to be in good health.
B. He seems to be in good health.
C. He is seeming to be in good health.
D. He has seemed to be in good health.
4) I sleep late.
(Futuro simple)
A. I'd sleep late.
B. I'll sleep late.
C. I've sleep late.
D. I'm sleeping late.
5) I don't take breakfast.
(Pasado simple)
A. I did take breakfast.
B. I doesn't take breakfast,
C. I didn't take breakfast.
D. I do take breakfast.
6) We listen to the radio.
(Presente progresivo)
A. We were listening to the radio.
B. We are listening to the radio.
C. We listened to the radio.
D. We had listened to the radio.
7) Victoria sings like a bird.
A. Is Victoria singing like a bird?
B. Do Victoria sing like a bird?
C. Does Victoria sing like a bird?
D. Has Victoria sing like a bird?
8) she wants travel to Bogotá.
(Pasado progresivo)
A. She wanted to travel Bogotá.
B. She was wanting to travel to Bogotá.
C. She had wanted to travel to Bogotá.
D. She had been wanting to travel to Bogotá.

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