Preguntas de selección múltiple con única respuesta-Tipo I

En el enunciado de estas preguntas se plantea una situación a partir de la cual se formula la pregunta. Usted debe leer cuidadosamente la situación planteada y escoger la opción que responda en forma lógica y coherente la pregunta.
1) The wind blew very hard last sunday.
A. The horses ran fast
B. The brokers weighed a lot
C. The dogs barked loudly
D. The litters flew very high
2) Martha is going to make a cake
A. She buys a chicken
B. She reads an interesting book
C. She fries some eggs
D. She has invited some friends
3) The bedroom is too dark
A. He must turn off the light
B. He should turn on the light
C. It is night
D. The windows are closed
4) Nancy and Charley are talking after work
Nancy: Are you going to the gym now?
Charley: No, I've got a soccer game tonight
Nancy: Oh, really? Do you play on a team?
Charley: Yeah. We play every week. We are not very good, but we have a lot of fun
From the conversation we can infer that:
A. Charley is an excellent soccer player.
B. Charley plays soccer just as a hobby.
C. Charley plays soccer on a daily basis.
D. Charley is going to the gym and to a soccer match.
5) Mary has problems with her math homework. She aks Jimmy to help her. He accepts to help if she goes to the movies with him.
Jimmy says:
A. Would you go to the movies with me if I didn't help you?
B. Would you go to the movies with me if I helped you?
C. Would you help me if I wen to the movies?
D. Would you help me if I didn't go to the movies?
6) Brenda is talking to a policeman on the street
Brenda: Excuse me. How far is fifteenth street from here? I'm looking for the Washington Post.
Policeman: About two blocks. It's between Vermont. Avenue and Sicteenth street.
Brenda: Thanks a lot
Policeman: My pleasure
According to the conversation, Brenda is
A. very far from the Washington Post.
B. between Fifteenth street and Vermont Avenue.
C. just two blocks away from the police station.
D. near Vermont Avenue and sixteenth street.
Valencia, H. y Valencia, M. (2004). ICFES Y LA U, San Juan de Pasto: CUARTA EDICIÓN.

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