Preguntas de selección múltiple con única respuesta-Tipo I

En estas preguntas el enunciado es un diálogo incompleto. Usted debe escoger la opción que complete el diálogo en forma lógica y coherente.
1) Jim and Andrew were resting in Canada last summer and now they are having some economical problems in their company. They are talking about this situation:
Jimmy: We must ask for a bank loan because we are broken. There isn't any money to pay aour workers.
Andrew: ______________________________________________
Jimmy: I know it, but what is done is done.
A. We shouldn't have been honest with our employees
B. You should have paid in cash.
C. You should have given them the money.
D. We shouldn't have spent all the money on our vacation.
2) Judy and Alice are very good friends. Alice is spending her vacations at Judy's
Alice: I couldn't sleep very well last night
Judy: Why?
Alice: Because I heard some funny noises. I was very nervous
Judy: Well, _________________________________
Alice: Really? That's very kind of you
A. if you are scared, don't tell me
B. go away if you are scared
C. wake me up if you are scared again tonight
D. if you are scared go to the psychologist
3) Doris is asking Martha about her hair
Doris: Your hair is beautiful. Do you wash it every day
Martha: No, not really
Doris: ____________________________________
Martha: About three times a week
A. How long do you spend doing it?
B. When do you do it?
C. How long have you done it?
D. How often do you do it?
4) Eliana is seven years old. She is watching a T.V program. Her mother advises her about it.
Mother: What are you watching. Eliana?
Eliana: A horror film
Mother: ________________________________________
Eliana: Why?
Mother: Because they can make you feel nervous
A. You should watch more horror films.
B. You should not watch horror films.
C. You could watch that program at night.
D. You could not watch another program.
5) Mary has sore muscles. She goes to the drogstore
Mary: What do you suggest for sore muscles?
Pharmacist: _____________________ it's excellent
Mary: O.K I'll take it
A. You should try a tube of this ointment
B. I suggest a bottle of eyedrops
C. You should try a tube of this lipstick
D. I suggest a bottle of vitamin C
Valencia, H. y Valencia, M. (2004). ICFES Y LA U, San Juan de Pasto: CUARTA EDICIÓN.

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