Preguntas se selección múltiple con única respuesta-Tipo I

El enunciado de estas preguntas es un texto con espacios en blanco numerados, cada número corresponde a una pregunta. Usted debe leer detenidamente el texto y escoger la opción que en cada pregunta lo complete en forma lógica y coherente.
A vaccine is being developed to help smokers kick the habit. Scientists at immunology Pharmaceuticals in Massachusetts believe the new drug will block the 1 of nicotine on the brain helping people stay off cigarettes when their willpower fails. The vaccine works by creating antibodies 2 absorb the nicotine molecules and 3 them from reaching the brain. Two thousand volunteers will take part in tests next year to see if the treatment works.
A. cause
B. product
C. effect
D. process
A. where
B. whose
C. when
D. which
A. prevent
B. begin
C. stand
D. start
Michael Evans is a well-known doctor who writtes for a famous magazine. The editors usually publish some of the answers Dr. Evans gives to the readers' questions. This is an example of his advice.
Dear Elizabeth
You say in your letter you 4 have a sore throat due to your work as a teacher. I understand you can't avoid speaking a lot, so what you can do is drink a glass of hot water whith honey and lemon juice 5 you get up. Besides that, you should avoid speaking loudly during the evening. And one thing you definitely 6 do is smoke since it makes your problem worse.
Finally, let me congratulate you. Teaching is a wonderful profession.
Dr. Michael Evans
A. even
B. rarely
C. never
D. often
A. then
B. just
C. during
D. once
A. couldn't
B. ought to
C. shouldn't
D. have to
Valencia, H. y Valencia, M. (2004). ICFES Y LA U, San Juan de Pasto: CUARTA EDICIÓN.

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