En el enunciado de estas preguntas se plantea una situación, a partir de ésta, usted debe escoger la opción que complemente de mejor forma el enunciado, teniendo en cuenta que su organización y coherencia sean correctas.
1) Steve is talking to a friend about the first thing he normally does as soon as he gets home.
A. "I turn on frequently the TV right after I get home from work"
B. "I turn on the TV right after I frequently get home from work"
C. "I turn on TV right after I get home from work frequently"
D. "I frequently turn on the TV right after I get home from work"
2) One Hundred Years of Solitude is a famous novel by Gabriel Garci Marquez. People all over the world have been able to read it because.
A. It have been translated into different languages.
B. It has been traslate into different languages.
C. It has been traslated into different languages.
D. it have been traslate into different languages.
3) Tom is talking about his dreams.
A. If I had money enough, I would buy a car.
B. If I had enough money, I would bought a car.
C. If I had enough money, I would buy a car.
D. If I had money enough, I would bought a car.
Valencia, H. y Valencia, M. (2004). ICFES Y LA U (4ta ed.). San Juan de Pasto.

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