Preguntas de selección múltiple con única respuesta-Tipo I

En esta parte de la prueba se formula varias preguntas a partir un texto. Usted debe leer cuidadosamente el texto y elegir la opción que corresponda a la pregunta formulada.
Beth is going to New York City tomorrow. She doesn't like planes, so she is taking the train. The train is leaving early in the morning. It isn't a long trip.
1) The trip to New York is
A. long
B. by plane
C. expensive
D. tomorrow
2) Beth goes by train because
A. the train is leaving early
B. she doesn't like planes
C. it is a long trip
D. she goes to New York
3) We can assure the train
A. is leaving already
B. will run only to New York
C. is going to leave tomorrow
D. will leave in the afternoon
Linda Lee and Betty Cooper are learning to drive a car. They are taking a test. Linda is driving and Betty is watching. Peter Cooper bike is broken. His brother Tom is fixing the bike.
4) Betty is watching to
A. Tom is fixing the bike
B. Peter's bike
C. Linda is driving
D. Tom's brother
5) What thing is broken
A. Peter's arm
B. Linda's car
C. Cooper's bike
D. Tom's bike
Con base a la lectura responda las preguntas de 6-9
People have been making and using rope for thousans of year
Before they had machines to help them, people made their rope by hand.
Long ago people twisted or braided vines together to make rope. Some men used strips of tree bark or animal skins. Some people even made rope from strands of hair.
When men learned to tie knots, they could make many useful things. They used rope to tie sharp stones to wooden handles to make axes. They tied logs together to make boats or rafts. People knotted rope to make nets for catching fish and animals. The Inca indians of South América made nets. But they found another use for knots. The Indians could't write, so they tied knots in rope to mark important dates and numbers.
6) A good title for this text would be
A. Ropes
B. A Brief History about Ropes
C. Uses of Ropes
D. The importance of Ropes
7) From the contextone can infer that the word "knot" means
A. a connection or joint
B. a date or a number
C. a piece of rope
D. an end of a rope
8) The autor says that
A. ropes are mainly made of strips of tree bark
B. ropes have been made of vines with machines
C. even hair is braided to make ropes
D. animals were killed for their skin
9) This text is adessed to
A. people interested in importing and using ropes
B. specialized subscribes of a geographical magazine
C. people interested in travelling to many coutries
D. people who are reading for fun
Valencia, H. y Valencia, M. (2004). ICFES Y LA U, San Juan de Pasto: CUARTA EDICIÓN.

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