Preguntas de selección múltiple con única respuesta-Tipo I

En esta parte de la prueba se formulan varias preguntas a partir de un texto. Usted debe leer cuidadosamente el texto y elegir la opción que corresponda a la pregunta formulada.
1-5 Language research
How many students in the world are learning a foreign language at this moment? It is, of course, impossible to say exactly, but the number is enormous. In order to teach these students effectively, teachers are demanding more information about language and language teaching techniques. To satisfy this demand linguists, psichologist and educators in universities and language centers all over the world are asking questions such as: "What should students learn?" "How much can students learn? and " When should students learn a foreign language?. The answers to these questions may well change language teaching drastically in the future. Researchers hope that we shall learn languages more rapidly and effectively, but with less effort.
However, the very first piece of language research was not carried out recently nor was it done because of language teaching. Herodotus, the classical Greek historian, tells us that Psammetichus, and Egyptian King who lived in about the seventh century B,C., carried out a language experiment. He wanted discover what language was the oldest in the world, because he thought that way he could discover what race was the oldest in the world.
For his experiment he used two new-born children whom he sent to a remote part of the country. He made sure "they had no contact with human, and then waited for them to speak. He thought that the first words they spoke would be from the oldest language in the world. The Pharaoh was disappointed by his experiment because it proved" that the phrigians, not the Eguptians, were the oldest race in the world.
Obviosly, Psammetichus' experiment has no scientific validity and seems ridiculous to modern scientists. Nevertheless it does prove that although language teaching has increased the need for research, and although tape recorders and computers have augmented the validity of the results of that research, human curiosity was the reason for its birth.
Read the following questions, choose the correct answers and circle them
1) Why do teachers need more information about language?
A. To carry out experiments.
B. To become linguists, psichologists and educators.
C. To teach less.
D. To improve their teaching.
2) People who do language research are:
A. Scientists.
B. University.
C. Language students.
D. Experts from various academis areas.
3) The first piece of language research was:
A. Ancient and practical.
B. Recent and theoretical.
C. Ancient and not practical.
D. Recent and practical.
4) Who was Psammetichus?
A. A Pharaoh.
B. A Greek King.
C. A historian.
D. A language researcher.
5) What does the story of Psammetichus' experiments show us?
A. Nothing.
B. The value of curiosity.
C. That the Phrigians were the oldest race on earth.
D. That Egyptian was not the oldest language on earth.
Where there's a will, there's a way
In the early 1950's rock and roll radically changes the way people thought about music. Before that time, songs were generally popular because they appealed to a broad spectrum of people, and the music and lyrics were more important than the individuals who perfomed them. Rock and roll merged the music and the performer and aimed itself at a young audience-teenagers. In writing and performing songs that spoke specifically to teenagers, Chuck Berry, a black rhythm and blues musician from St. Louis, helpd invent rock and roll.
6) The underlined word they refers to:
A. People.
B. 1950's.
C. Lirycs.
D. Songs.
7) The underlined word spectrum can be replaced by:
A. Community.
B. Troop.
C. Group.
D. Quality.
8) The underlined word merged means the same as.
A. Marked.
B. Joined.
C. Emerged.
D. Divided.
Valencia, H. y Valencia, M. (2004). ICFES Y LA U, San Juan de Pasto: CUARTA EDICIÓN.

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