Preguntas de selección múltiple con única respuesta-Tipo I
Firearms are divided into three categories: (1) Prohibited firearms, which have no legitimate sporting or recreational use; (2) Restricted firearms (revolver, pistol, etc) which require a permit; and (3) Long guns. Guns in the second and third category may be imported or moved in transit through Canadá without a permit. Providing the visitor is 16 years of age or over and the firearms are for sporting or competitive use. Non-residents arriving at Canada Customs post must declare all their firearms.
1) The underlined word which is related to:
A. Arms for recreation use.
B. Legitimate firearms.
C. Forbbiden firearms.
D. Arms for sporting use.
2) The underlined expression Guns in the second and third category may be imported means:
A. Restricted firearms and Long guns can be brought into.
B. Arms that require permission and Long guns are accepted.
C. Restricted firearms and Long guns can be sold here.
D. Arms that are restricted Long guns are used in sports.
3) The underlined word their refers to:
A. Customs.
B. Firearms.
C. Canada.
D. Non-residents.
An American chef from Connecticut, Louis Lassen, made and sold the first hamburgers in 1895. He called them hamburgers because sailors from Hamburg in Germany gave him the recipe. Teachers from Yale University and businessmen loved them and bought them. Kennet Lassen, Lous' grandson, still sells hamburgers in Connecticut.
4) The purpose of the author of this text is:
A. To point out the creativity of American chefs.
B. To ilustrate the origin and history of hambuergers.
C. To describe the food habits of American people.
D. To promote the cosumption of hamburgers.
5) According to the reading:
A. American sailors bougth hamburgers brought from Germany.
B. Louis Lassen was the creator of hamburgers.
C. Louis Lassen still sell hamburgers in Connecticut.
D. German sailors gave Lassen the formula to prepare hamburgers.
6) In conclusion:
A. Teachers and businessmen eat a lot of hamburgers.
B. Hamburgers were commercialized by Americans.
C. Chefs play an important role in American society.
D. Germans thought that American were very good sellers.
Canadá is a land of diversity; for example, it has two national languages. In Quebec, a very old city, French is the main language; however many people there, also speak English. Canada has large deposits of many valuables minerals such as gold, silver and copper; besides, it is very rich in farmland, fish and lumber. It also has some of the world's largest lakes, moreover, one third of the world's fresh water is in Canada.
7) The underlined word diversity can be replaced by:
A. Unity.
B. Similarity.
C. Variety.
D. Uniformity.
8) The underlined word it refers to:
A. Fish.
B. Quebec.
C. Lumber.
D. Canada.
9) The underlined word moreover helps to:
A. Add information.
B. Compare information.
C. Contrast information.
D. Elimanate information.
Valencia, H. y Valencia, M. (2004). ICFES Y LA U, San Juan de Pasto: CUARTA EDICIÓN.

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