Preguntas de selección múltiple con única respuesta-Tipo I
This is an extract from the novel "Perfume".
A few weeks later, the wet nurse Jeanne Bussie stood,
market basket in hand, at the gales of the cloister of Saint Merri.
The minute they were opened by a bald monk of about fifty
with a light odor of vinegar about him - Father Terrier - she said. "There"
and set her market basket down at the threshold.
"What's that?" asked Terrier, bending down over the basket and snffing at it.
In the hope that it was something edible.
1) The underlined expression A few weeks later can be replace with:
A. A few days before.
B. During the previous days.
C. Some days after.
D. In the later days.
2) The underlined expression the minute can be replace with:
A. After sixty seconds.
B. With the time.
C. In a moment.
D. At the same time.
3) The underlined word about means the same as:
A. In.
B. Around.
C. From.
D. Out.
Sandra Williams, a reporter, spoke with Jenny Adams about risky sports.
SW: Hang gliding is a dangerous sport, Jenny, What do you enjoy about it and have you ever had an accident?.
Jenny: No, I've never been seriosly injured Maybe I've just been lucky Once my hand glider turner upside down and I lost control. I almost crashed but I parachuted out just in time And I've always felt hand gliding is quite safe though landing is sometimes dificult. But it's fantastic to be able to fly like a bird.
4) According to the text.
A. Jenny has had serious accidents.
B. Jenny hasn t had any serious accidents.
C. Jenny hasn t had any hang-gliders.
D. Jenny has had birds.
5) The text talks about.
A: The safety guaranteed when participating in risky sports.
B. Ease of landing when hang-gliding.
C. Serious injuries when participating in risky sports.
D. Experiences of people participating in hang-gliding.
6) The most appropriate title for this text could be:
A. Injuries in risky sports.
B. Having an accident.
C. Hang-gliding, a risky sport.
D. Two risky sports.
Valencia, H. y Valencia, M. (2004). ICFES Y LA U, San Juan de Pasto: CUARTA EDICIÓN.

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