Preguntas de selección múltiple con única respuesta-Tipo I
El enunciado o las opciones en estas preguntas son gráficas o dibujos. Usted debe escoger entre las opciones, la oración que describa, interprete o responda a la gráfica del enunciado, o la gráfica que corresponda a la descripción dada en el mismo.
A. Alice always wears her skirt.
B. Alice always wears her coat.
C. Alice always wears her hat.
D. Alice always wears her scarf.
A. The boy eats a cake.
B. The student has an ice cream.
C. The boys take pop corn.
D. The students buy ice creams.
A. They are in the garage.
B. They are in the bedroom.
C. They are in the kitchen.
D. They are in the bathroom.
A. He is talking with me.
B. She is studying English.
C. I am speaking Spanish.
D. They are running on feet.
A. The dog is barking.
B. The parrot is talking.
C. The chicken is running.
D. The parrot is flying.
Thank you very much. The same to you!
A. Happy birthday.
B. Merry Christmas.
C. Happy New Year.
D. Congratulations.
A. All the girls are wearing a hat.
B. Some of the girls are wearing a hat.
C. Any of the girls are wearing a hat.
D. Many of the girls are wearing a hat.
A. Luis is going to give a banana to me.
B. Luis is going to give a banana to him.
C. Luis is going to give a banana to it.
D. Luis is going to give a banana to her.
Valencia, H. y Valencia, M. (2004). ICFES Y LA U, San Juan de Pasto: CUARTA EDICIÓN.

It's a great way to read graphs in English. Very thanks!