En esta parte de la prueba se formulan varias preguntas a partir de un texto. Usted debe leer cuidadosamente el texto y elegir la opción que corresponda a la pregunta formulada.
An American chef from Connecticut, Louis Lassen, made and sold first hamburgers in 1895. He called them hamburgers because sailors from Hamburg in Germany gave him the recipe. Teachers from Yale University and businessmen loved them and bought them. Kennet Lassen, Louis' grandson, still sells hamburgers in Connecticut,
1) The purpose of the author of this text is:
A. To point out the creativity of American chefs.
B. To illustrate the origin and history of hamburgers.
C. To describe the food habits of American people.
D. To promote the consumption of hamburgers.
2) According to the reading:
A. American sailors bought hamburgers brought from Germany.
B. Louis Lassen was the creator of hamburgers.
C. Louis Lassen still sells hamburgers in Connecticut.
D. German sailors gave Lassen the formula to prepare hamburgers.
3) In conclusion:
A. Teachers and businessmen eat a lot of hamburgers.
B. Hamburgers were commercialized by Americans.
C. Chefs play an important role in American society.
D. Germans thought that Americans were very good sellers.
In developing a new drug, there are few quick fixes.
First, an original design has to be invented. Then its potential needs to be demonstrated in test tubes and laboratory animals. After that, it must go through three separate phases of clinical trial on humans to show that it is safe and that it does what it is supposed to do. Only then will patients be prescribed.
For drug developers in America it takes an average of $86 millions per year and over nine years to go from the first human tests of a substance to final regulatory approval.
4) The underlined word its refers to:
A. Design's potential.
B. Drug's potential.
C. Test's potential.
D. Demonstration's potential.
5) The expression Only them could be replaced by:
A. When.
B. Because of that.
C. Before.
D. Finally.
6) The underlined word it refers to:
A. The amount of money and time.
B. The tests and scientists involved.
C. The steps of the process.
D. The separate phases of clinical trial.
Valencia, H. y Valencia, M. (2004). ICFES Y LA U (4ta ed.). San Juan de Pasto.

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