1) Are you thirsty? Can I bring you some tea or coffee?
A. Its is not a problem to me.
B. It's absolutely no problem.
C. Themselves are nice beverages.
D. Tea have healing and relaxing properties.
2) When are we going to the mall?
A. We'll take a bus.
B. Next Monday, perhaps.
C. Whatever.
D. Yes, we are.
3) Too bad, Isabel doesn't like to swim, since she has such a nice pool at her apartment building. What must she do?
A. She is too young for swimming.
B. She should try to enjoy it.
C. She must learn how to swim.
D. She should leave the swimming pool.
Valencia, H. y Valencia, M. (2004). ICFES Y LA U (4ta ed.). San Juan de Pasto.

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