El enunciado o las opciones en estas preguntas son gráficas o dibujos. Usted debe escoger entre las opciones, la oración que describa, interprete o responda a la gráfica del enunciado, o la gráfica que corresponda a la descripción dada en el mismo.
This is Amanda's room. In the picture, you can see that:
A. She eats soup.
B. She plays tennis.
C. She hates swimming.
D. She likes reading.
2) We can say this scene is happening:
A. On a farm
B. In a subway
C. On a railroad
D. In a neighborhood
3) According to the picture, we can say that:
A. While one man is getting off a bus, another is getting into a car.
B. While one woman is crossing the street, two others are leaving a store.
C. While a girl is eating an apple a boy is walking down the stairs.
D. While a woman is carrying some bags, a man is driving a car.
Valencia, H. y Valencia, M. (2004). ICFES Y LA U (4ta ed.). San Juan de Pasto.

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