En estas preguntas el enunciado es un diálogo incompleto. Usted debe escoger la opción que complete el diálogo en forma lógica y coherente.
1) This conversation is about an interesting Japanese custom.
Judy: You look marvelous wearing that Kimono Nancy. Is it your wedding photo?
Nancy: Yes.
Judy: ____________________________?
Nancy: Yes most of them do! Then the bride usually changes into a western dress for the reception.
Judy: Oh, Isee.
A. Do most Japanese women change into a bridal dress?
B. Do most Japanese women wear Kimonos when they get married?
C. Do most Japanese women use Kimonos during the reception?
D. Do most Japanese women do receptions when they get married?
2) Alex and Jimmy are talking about the story "Hearts and Hands"
Jimmy: I asked her if she had read the story "Hearts and Hands" by O. Henry.
Alex: What did she answer?
Jimmy: She told me she had read many of O. Henry's stories, but not this one.
Alex: Did you ask her if she liked his stories?
Jimmy: Yes. She told me everybody likes them, and she does too.
Alex: You could have asked if she knew O. Henry's real name.
Jimmy: _________________________
A. I do. She says it was
B. She did. She said it was
C. I did. She said it was William Sydney Porter. She also told me that he was born in 1862 ans died in 1910.
D. I did. I said he was
3) Judy is really upset because her friend forgot her birthday.
Judy: Rose _____________________ Do you know what day is it today
Today is my birthday Rose and you forgot it again.
Rose: Oh! I'm sorry
A. I'm really bored and angry.
B. I'm really happy and pleased.
C. I'm really sad and dissapointed.
D. I'm really boring and glad.
Valencia, H. y Valencia, M. (2004). ICFES Y LA U (4ta ed.). San Juan de Pasto.

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