1) This is a letter from a patient asking a docto for advice through a newspaper column.
1. to shout. I always have
2. what to do? I can't stop working
3. I am an elemtary school teacher, and I often have
4. a sore throat. Could you please advice about
A. 3,1,4,2
B. 3,4,1,2
C. 2,3,4,1
D. 2,1,3,4
2) This is a letter from The Metropolitan Electric Company to Mr. Harry Jefferson, for the Electrical Engineering job.
Dear Mr. Jefferson,
1. As you know, the requirements for the position of Electrical Engineer specifically state that the candidate must have at least years' engineering experience.
2. We will be getting in touch with you within the next few days to arrange for an interview.
3. However, we are willing to consider you on the basis of your academic qualifications and you strong interest in advancement.
4. Thank you for your interest in Metropolitan Electric. We have carefulley reviewed your application, and would like to invite you to come in for an interview.
Sincerely, Raudoph G. Smith. Manager - Personnel Department
A. 4,1,3,2
B. 1,4,3,2
C. 4,2,1,3
D. 1,3,4,2
Valencia, H. y Valencia, M. (2004). ICFES Y LA U (4ta ed.). San Juan de Pasto.

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